Climate Change Secretariat, Ministry of Environment and Wildlife Resources

Research collection


Electrifying three wheelers

A presentation on a research study at the University of Moratuwa on converting three-wheelers into electric vehicles in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. It was presented at the Climate Change Research Forum for the Sri Lanka Next A Blue Green Era Programme 2018.


Adaptability of recently recommended rubber clones for agro-climatic variability of Sri Lanka

This study presents the findings of a study carry out to asses the Adaptability of recently recommended fifteen rubber clones for agro-climatic variability of Sri Lanka.


Adaptation to the vulnerability of paddy cultivation to climate change based on seasonal rainfall characteristics

This study was aimed at identifying adaptation measures to the vulnerability of paddy cultivation in the Dry and Intermediate Zones of Sri Lanka, based on rainfall.


Assessing agricultural vulnerability to climate change in Sri Lanka

Climate change is a global phenomenon having its impact and consequences on environmental changes as well as livelihood adaptations. Vulnerability is defined as the degree to which a system is susceptible to the adverse effects of climate change. The objective of this study was to improve the understanding of the vulnerability to climate change that occurs spatially with time to make investment decisions.


Assessment of impact of climate change on productivity of tea(Camellia sinensis L.) plantations in Sri Lanka

This study was undertaken to assess impact of climate change on productivity of tea lands in Sri Lanka. Findings of the study showed that tea cultivations at low and mid elevations are more vulnerable to adverse impacts of climate change than those at high elevations.


Carbon footprint of an organisation: a case study , faculty of agriculture, university of Ruhuna

Carbon footprint of an organisation: a case study , faculty of agriculture, university of Ruhuna


Climate change in Sri Lanka: myth or reality?:evidence from long-term meteorological data

The objective of this paper is to seek evidence for climate change in Sri Lanka by analyzing long-term (i.e. from 1869 to 2007) monthly data of air temperature and rainfall from seven selected locations (i.e. Anuradhapura, Kurunegala, Kandy, Ratnapura, Badulla, Nuwara Eliya and Colombo) representing the major climatic zones of the country.


Climate change research in Sri Lanka

Climate is a dynamic component of the environment, which has a direct and an indirect influence on man and his activities. Most commonly, climate is known as the long-term average weather condition prevailing over an area. Climate is dynamic in many respects; for example, it varies in time and space, and changes occur over sufficiently long period of time. This paper summarises past and present research of the climatic changes of Sri Lanka.


Climate change research in Sri Lanka – Are we investing enough?

Editorial: Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 40(4)


Climate change, invasive alien flora and concerns for their management in Sri Lanka

This research review the ecological impacts of invasive alien flora on the environment and the necessity to assess the economics of these impacts, particularly in developing countries.

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